Races / Amarian

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Homeworld: Amaris Prime
Language: Amarian
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: White skin

Famous Members


Amarians were very white humanoids with large eyes.

Biology and Appearance

Amarians had extremely white skin and large dark eyes. Otherwise their physiology resembled most other humanoids.

Society and Culture

Amarian society was a stringent class system that was enforced even off of their homeworld. Few members of any class ever stepped out of the roles and restrictions of their classes.


Amarian history was filled with brutal segregation based on their rigid class system. This tradition conditioned when they left Amaris Prime and joined the rest of the galaxy.

Behind the Scenes

The heads used for Amarians both come from Star Wars characters, specifically, Gasgano and Aurra Sing.