Places / Tajna

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The Catacombs of Taj'na

General Information

Constructed: ????
Destroyed: ????
Location: ????
Builder: ????


Affiliation: ????

The Catacombs of Taj'na

The Catacombs of Taj'na are a series of passages and chambers that span multiple timelines and places across several galaxies. The exact nature of structure of the catacombs is undetermined and it remains unknown exactly who or what built them. There is speculation that the catacombs do not actually exist, even by those who have visited them.

It is impossible to map out the exact geography of the Catacombs as it appears to be in a constant state of temporal and physical flux. There are, however, a number of access points across time and space but it is important to remember that just because there was a way in at a certain location there are not guarantees that it will be a way in the next minute or that it will be a way out to the place where one has entered or even a way out at all in the next minute.

The Catacombs of Taj'na have a history that is known only to them, the builders of the Catacombs are unknown, though it is speculated that the Old Ones had a hand in the construction. As the Old Ones are one of the few races capable of both entering and leaving the Catacombs at will, it is a likely hypothesis. The other members of the first races also have means to enter and exit the Catacombs with a minimum of difficulty. For these reasons the Catacombs have on occasion been used by the First Ones to hold important meetings.