Races / Bjorg

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Homeworld: Unknown
Language: Binary
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: Hive mind

Famous Members


The Bjorg were cyber-organic race bent on furnishing the entire galaxy in their image.

Biology and Appearance

The Bjorg were biological lifeforms that had augmented themselves with cybernetics and plugged themselves into a hive mind. They procreated by forcing lifeforms to take cybernetic enhancements and plug into the hive mind.

Society and Culture

The Bjorg had no society or culture, only the hive mind urge to supply cheap, practical furniture to the galaxy.


During their assimilation of other species the Bjorg assimilated Tomara Wedingo after which they became the Borked.

Behind the Scenes

The Bjorg as based on the Star Trek Universe Borg, and the comment from "First Contact" where their name is implied to "sound Swedish." This idea was combined with IKEA to produced the Bjorg.