Characters / Rouge

Candice Grey

Biographical Information

Rank: Corporal
Position: Presidential Guard
Serial Number: 32425385
Homeworld: Coruscant

Physical Description

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'11"
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown

Chronological Information


Behind the Scenes

Played by:
First Appearance: 07-26-2006

Corporal Candice "Rouge" Grey

"I just wish his firings wouldn't involve actual fire."--Candice 'Rouge' Grey concerning President Palpatine's downsizing procedures.

Candice "Rouge" Grey is a Presidential Guard in the Alliance Army. She is devoted to the Alliance but has begun to question the current administration's practices.


Early Childhood

Secondary Education

2350 and Beyond

Rouge was guarding President Palpatine during the Synari invasion and was blinded in one eye when Darth Creepius attacked the President.

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Personality Traits


Behind the Scenes