This joke came to me in reference to some t.v. or movie werewolf. I’m really not sure which, but I though it was kind of amusing at the time.
This joke came to me in reference to some t.v. or movie werewolf. I’m really not sure which, but I though it was kind of amusing at the time.
I’ve had this happen back when I was in research, only there was no visible change in the appearance of my boss, he would just flipflop back and forth between projects on a weekly basis. It didn’t help that he spent most of the time I worked for him in China instead of in his lab in the U.S. I hated that man so much.
“Baba” is a Serbian word for Grandmother. I thought it would be funny here. Please note, granny’s got a jet pack.
I’ve been waiting around for an official LEGO Son of Coul. I got tired of waiting.
The best part about this joke is I managed to publish this as a vote incentive the same week they aired the episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that explains the whole Tahiti thing. It’s obviously a year later than that now, but still, kinda amusing.