Races / Klendaythan


Homeworld: Qua'do
Language: Kalium'na
Average Height: 9'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: very nonhuman in appearance

Famous Members

Ambassador Shayloo


Klendaythan are a cephelopodic species of pacifists from the neffridium rich world of Qua'do.

Biology and Appearance

Unlike most of the races in the galaxy the klendaythan do not have a remotely human appearance. They stand on four tentacles which allow them a gentle movement, they also have two arms on their torsos which are each tipped with two claws. They have a single eye above a beak-like mouth. They evolved from cephelopods on the swampy world of Qua'do and retain much of their original form.

Culture and Society

The Klendaythan are pacificsts and seek only discourse and trade with other worlds though until recently they have been fairly xenophobic. Their mating practices and distictions between sexes remains a mystery though it is speculated that they are hermaphrodites.


Though peaceful now the Klendaythan were once warlike and very destructive. They almost destroyed themselves at the height of their conflict but mining and war efforts on their moon caused the destruction of the moon and the formation of the neffridium rich rings around their planet. At this point they ceased hostilities and began moving toward peace, lest war destroy them.

Behind the Scenes

  • This was an attempt at creating truly nonhuman aliens for the comic.