Comic for August 8th, 2022
August 8th, 2022

Discussion (6)¬

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  1. TheItemsMerchant says:

    Now this is a scene to remember, especially with how well-designed the set piece is, insignia and all. As a teary longtime fan, well done! Thank you so much for a longtime joy!

    And is that what I think it is against the left wall?

  2. Lenyat says:

    A bottomless pit. Very classic.
    Except that this one has railings. I know, OSHA-compliant is good, but it ruins the evil overlord vibe, I think 🙂

    • CommanderBalok says:

      Worry not. They are low railings. Someone could easily jackknife over them to that long fall. But it isn’t the fall that kills you. It’s the sudden stop at the bottom. So if the pit really *is* bottomless…

  3. Dave F says:

    Hmm, that looks like a flux capacitor on the wall….