Comic for August 21st, 2020
August 21st, 2020

Anyone who guessed “Belinda” was correct.

This was one of my all time favorite moments in Doctor Who, so I wanted to steal borrow it.

Discussion (5)¬

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  1. ajs6pes says:

    Better get explaining!

  2. Pyradonis says:

    What the actual f…

  3. Gyffes says:

    Never ever seen a Doctor Who episode (I’m mid50s.. even in my youth, the low-tech sets turned me off), so TOTALLY didn’t have Belinda — or I think any character — inside this box.

    But def not Belinda.

  4. RAMPAGE says:

    Is this were the defecation hits the rotary cooling device?

    BTW You aren’t stealing or borrowing it but paying a lovely tribute to it.

  5. BlackDove says:

    haha, called the line even if I didn’t know the person!