Comic for May 10th, 2018
May 10th, 2018

Discussion (8)¬

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  1. Ladyblanc says:

    Hold a spooooky seance with all the dead Jedi?

  2. BrickVoid says:

    Not sure if this is something she’d even tell them anything about if she even knew, but maybe Belinda wants to talk to Darth Pestilous? 😀

  3. TeaAddict1 says:

    With that many dead Jedi surely there’s at least one Force ghost who can fill in the details.

  4. Pyradonis says:

    Ask the Sith?

  5. CommanderBalok says:

    See what that woman who has been instructing her mentally can tell her. Maybe she can learn a Force technique for retrocognition.

  6. hkmaly says:

    … what about trying time travel?

  7. Artemis says:

    Time Travel – that sounds likely. I was hoping for Jedi ghosts.

  8. Mike says:

    Sad to say, but it’s not that hard to kill a building full of Jedi if you know what you’re doing. Just have several people “lugging” around backpacks with ysalamir in them and go through shooting them at will. You just have to make sure you know what range the ysalamir get rid of their powers and shoot them within that so they can’t deflect the blaster bolts…..or projectiles of whatever weapon you’re using.

    Now the real questions with that are:

    1. Would the Jedi have force ghosts if they died inside the ysalamir radius?

    2. If they did still have force ghosts, would those have the memories of what killed them when they died under the effects of the ysalamir?

    3. If the force ghosts memories stopped at the point they were affected, would their memories of seeing their killers at long range still be there? And no, not their memories of seeing their killers on cameras before they went in to fight since their killers would have been scrambling all the sensors of the building they were in.