His parents had the same last name. Not really a long story. Or perhaps that name means something more to Bob than it does to us. Who knows? You don’t. I might. We’ll see.
I’m torn between thinking this is when the Xanatos shows its true colors, and thinking that, true to the name, there’ll be a playing-both-sides thing going on.
I’m torn between thinking this is when the Xanatos shows its true colors, and thinking that, true to the name, there’ll be a playing-both-sides thing going on.
“You are harboring fugitives!”
“Yeah, y’know, I woke up this morning and learned that, it reminded me that it was Tuesday.”
I’m probably forgetting things from a month ago, but why is Johnny a fugitive again?
He helped Kayla Waif http://www.legostargalactica.net/2017/11/03/11032017/
As long as Jeffrey’s actual name doesn’t turn out to be Armin Tamzarian… 😉
The Xanatos has two chances of getting the fugitives it wants: Fat chance and no chance! 😀
I wonder how quickly this will escalate to Bob outright shooting the Xanatos? 😀
Just a question for Dr. Legostar: Shouldn’t the communications from the Xanatos have a slightly different word balloon around them? 😀
They had gotten a better microphone and transmitter on the other ship and the Muffin could have a good receiver and speaker.