Season 15, Episode 16: Cornered, The Archleone, Grand Admiral Finn Aris, Captain Joshamee Lucas, MA7-1C3
Things did not go exactly as planned.
July 10th, 2017
Season 15, Episode 16: Cornered, The Archleone, Grand Admiral Finn Aris, Captain Joshamee Lucas, MA7-1C3 Things did not go exactly as planned. Discussion (4)¬Comments are currently disabled due to spam. |
You know things when your employee wants help with someone you hired them to kill! It’s doubly bad when that employee is MA7-IC3! 😀
It looks like they have Belinda right where she wants them.
Yeah, they’ve “got” her. Like you “get” fatal diseases.
Well, that turn of events was inevitable eventually…
(Sadly Shauna had to pay the price for this to unfold…)