The loss of Shauna, one of the first characters introduced all those years ago, is a huge plot/story transition for this comic. Until the good Dr. Legostar proceeds to address this further in the strip, all the Shauna fans are going to deal with it in our own way, by clogging up the comments sections with not-quite-germane-to-the-current-day’s-comic Shauna thoughts. Apologies…
How about a cybernetic Shauna, a la “Callista” from The Children of the Jedi?
…And/or there’s always the Genesis Experiment a la Star Trek II and III
Hmm. Has the Genesis tech really not appeared in the strip yet?
It may have, but I don’t recall. Been a long time since I did an archive-crawl.
That, or they could pull an Into Darkness and give her a transfusion of Red’s immortal blood
She’ll escape the afterlife with nothing but a toaster!
People, that’s not Shauna, that’s Allison Waines.
The loss of Shauna, one of the first characters introduced all those years ago, is a huge plot/story transition for this comic. Until the good Dr. Legostar proceeds to address this further in the strip, all the Shauna fans are going to deal with it in our own way, by clogging up the comments sections with not-quite-germane-to-the-current-day’s-comic Shauna thoughts. Apologies…