The important question is not “why did she have three guns on her” but rather “where was she hiding them?
In her copious underdressial region? Betwixt her legs whereth Kaylee Winnit Frye was wont to get… er…
‘s a good use for the different colours of raygun!
Bride dresses are big, you could hide a M2 under some of them.
She had a “hole” in her pocket
Anywhere in that dress. Probably in some well concealed holsters.
In her copious underdressial region?
Betwixt her legs whereth Kaylee Winnit Frye was wont to get… er…
‘s a good use for the different colours of raygun!
Bride dresses are big, you could hide a M2 under some of them.
She had a “hole” in her pocket
Anywhere in that dress. Probably in some well concealed holsters.