Ensign Thadius Ryan, Ensign Uxia Voglem, Rushka
This is what happens when so many science fiction shows are filmed in Vancouver.
![]() June 26th, 2016
Ensign Thadius Ryan, Ensign Uxia Voglem, Rushka This is what happens when so many science fiction shows are filmed in Vancouver. Discussion (8)¬Comments are currently disabled due to spam. |
*Reads the wiki entry on Rushka* Well, not going to be planning a vacation there anytime soon.
Yeah, from the sound of it, a trip there would be like a game of Rushkan roulette.
Is that River Shoulders in panel 3?
Well, given that Harry Dresden exists in the LGVerse (http://legostargalactica.net/expandeduniverse/2012/05/30/05302012/), it’s possible
I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be sasquatch.
I’m not sure, the picture is too blurry to tell.
You ain’t seen nothin yeti!
Well most planets aren’t a single environment (wink wink) and so it makes sense that similar humanoids would settle in similar areas and the Pacific Northwest is a nice place to live.