Comic for January 7th, 2015
January 7th, 2015

Gianni Finelli, Louis “Lou” Finelli

Shauna’s dad isn’t always very observant.

Discussion (9)¬

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  1. SaylorA says:

    “Those damn trees are a menace.”

    My first thought was this guy must be related to Durkon’s clan of dwarves from Order of the Stick.

  2. LordVargonius says:

    That’s a very unusual armchair!

    • Kaian says:

      Very old and inexpertly (but lovingly) refurbished favourite. Expect the one that uses it to complain constantly about it. But then be horrified by anyone else attempting to fix it or worse, suggesting replacing it.

  3. BrickVoid says:

    So far Shauna’s dad has peripheral vision problems, a tendency to concentrate on the problem at hand despite his son’s interruptions, all the signs of a scientist so far are confirmed! 😀

  4. gyffes says:

    I’m just thrilled by the baldness hairpiece.. I’ve never seen one, did you make it?!