June 15th, 2010

I’m not making a reference to anything in particular.  Really I’m not.

Legostar Galactica still needs your votes!  It’s been a really close race but the final push is on and we’ve still got a chance, but you guys gotta vote if you haven’t!!  You have to register for Star Pirates to vote and it’s a fun game in and of itself!  I’m up against Girl Genius and Schlock Mercenary here, two giants in the comic industry and I’ve been holding my own, but we need the final push.  Come on guys!  I know there’s over a thousand of your out there and I’ve had less than 250 votes!  Winning this means $1000 in advertising budget for Legostar Galactica, a huge opportunity to get the comic out there to tons more readers!  Help me out with the final push!

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